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Spore Creatures DS Playthrough thumbnails

I had a little project a while ago, a recorded playthrough of the game Spore Creatures for the Nintendo DS. I have been a huge fan of this game ever since I first played it (at 7-9 years old, something like that) and wanted some proper gameplay footage of it out there. You can view the finished playthrough here.

For each of the videos, I created a thumbnail artwork. With each one I put in a little more effort, and I still am quite proud of some of these. I haven't properly shared them before now.

All of these are available for whatever purpose you want, I just ask that you credit me and provide a link to the DRAKONIC.ZONE !

PART 1 - Fryse

Just a drawing of a Taptup on a screenshot from the intro sequence.

PART 2 - Trunkle

A speedy Kimpoko zooming along the shores of Trunkle. A Meepers dances in the background.

PART 3 - Noodlin

Our protagonist stands before a Whiplie...

PART 4 - Zager and Bowltektos

A Macroneer faces off against a Takto.

PART 5 - Flimmil

The protagonist looks upon a strange beeping device... Behind them a shivering Fyristook.

PART 6 - Muckluck

Our protagonist shares some bananas with a Glob-lod. A Bubleebu looks on, disappointed that they have decided to side with its enemies.

PART 7 - Baysee

A Spierter looks on at the poisoned landscape of Baysee. Out there, in the grass, a lost Sporeling hides.

PART 8 - Flubit

A Pair of Pruleepa. One is sleeping in a nest, as the other stands guard.

PART 9 - Zencrie

The final face-off! The protagonist faces off against Gar’skuther.

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