
From DRAKONIC wiki
Pronouns he/him
Species Draconian (Vokun)
Special Abilities Flight (though most Vokuns are capable of this), can use Impurity magic

Being left behind by his parents during a monster attack has left quite a mark on him. Not just a mental one, a literal one as well - The black mark on his chest, staining his mane forever. Most Draconians under influence of the black muck tend to go missing, never to be found, but, oddly, he never left the destroyed village, persevering on his own. His rage and determination to survive has transformed the infection into a source of power, and he is able to use Impurity magic as a result.

He is introverted and pretty antisocial, but sympathises with Sodys as another victim of the strange supernatural happenings of Cindra, which leads to them hanging out together often. The Vokun tends to be cruel to her, but even so she tries to be a source of comfort for him - she hopes he will eventually change and cope with his past.



