
I made a wiki for one of my favourite games :D

Make 10: A Journey of Numbers is one of my favourite video games... I must admit that the main reason is nostalgia. I could talk about it for hours; the problem is that barely anyone has heard of it! In an attempt to fix that, I've started a wiki for...


Thoughts on the 9.02.2023 nintendo direct

Hello everyone. its been a little while since the last post. I normally don't write up my thoughts like this for the nintendo direct streams - but there are so many new things I am excited for this time, I just need to get it out of my system!!!! SO...


Sheep Don't Swim - Devlog #3

(mirrored from itch, post can be viewed here) It's been many months. I've kind of forgotten about this game, until now. I do want to still work on it. Despite the new elements looking not very pretty, I decided to publish this build already, without polishing up the visual...


Happy new year...

New year, huh? I suppose that's a good occassion for a little update, and to reflect a bit on the last year... I'm currently a little sleep deprived, but I really want to write this as early into the year as possible. I've been really busy lately, and likely will...


Art and Attitude

I recently attended an animated film festival where one of my films was shown. My film, "Feathers", took me 2 years to make. But it doesn’t show. It's nothing special really, with a plot that wasn't really thought out, poor composition and mediocre animation. I've been more proud of the...



Been giving my characters some love over on my profile!! Doing a lot of art uploading and profile rewriting.. It's helping me get back into writing stories, which I haven't done in forever... Click the link above to check out my funny guys and bits of their lore :)...


wallpaper for my vita :)

I made a cool wallpaper specifically for my ps vita :p