
Assorted August thoughts

It's hard to admit, but I did lose a lot of contacts from leaving twitter. I miss talking to many of those people, my friends. Most of them are still exclusively reachable through twitter. I do hope I cross digital paths with them again... I've been quite socially isolated lately....


1 year of Transing the Internet!

A small web revival community I'm in had a little event to celebrate one year of its existence. We made a really cool little collaborative artwork to celebrate! Featuring: scourge curio julian crow & riley sundial benny murumart troy alan aiden june artemisia octopixel Here's also my part of the...


Small update

Hi everyone, it's been a little while. Haven't done much with the website these last two weeks, because... Graduation exams are right around the corner! Scary! I do find myself wanting to write on here, but being immobilized by anxiety. My brain keeps going "you should be studying!!"... I think...



I wanted to post this drawing from a while ago on the day of the nintendo direct, when We Love Katamari REROLL got announced, but couldn't find it. I found it today while browsing my files, enjoy. I think I'm gonna be sharing more artwork. I'll try to figure out...


Discord servers and open-source projects

Just read this cohost post about a common phenomenon in online projects: Discord servers for help & support, and just service lock-in in general, I suppose. I specially like this quote: [...] we've normalized not logging in. At this point, I don't think you can get anyone to log into...


The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog - playthrough

Hello everyone. It's my birthday today, so I'm going to pause my studying and treat myself to something silly. For April Fools SEGA has released.. A Sonic visual novel. It looks incredible. I must play it, I decided. I was debating playing this on a livestream, but... I don't feel...


Lineage OS: first impressions

Hello everyone. It's been a while since the last blog post. As you may know, I am fascinated by firmware modifications. Mainly in consoles, but also other devices, like smartphones and whatnot. On a whim, I decided to buy a used phone in order to try out LineageOS, an Android...