DRAKONIC is a (currently) solo artistic endeavour focusing on multimedia art, such as films and video games.

OK, but who are you?

Just your regular nerd. Also a being with a passion for computers and art, as well as creatures both real and fictional.

What are you?

yellow feathered wyverndragin

What do you do?

In my free time, I do digital art mostly. I do a lot of 2D art, including animation, but I've started learning 3D recently (blender is such an amazing software...)

If I'm not drawing or modelling, I'm probably working on one of my video game or web projects.

You can check out more info about my art and stuff here.

Something else about you?

I really love video games. I've started a collection of physical game releases some time ago. I love the medium, and I make my own games sometimes! I love to talk about a lot of related topics, like video game history/preservation, game development and the like.

I have a whole lot of hobbies apart from my main ones, and I love trying new ones! Really wish I had more free time for them all, though :(

Favourite things

  • Color: neon/lime green (currently...)
  • Animal: really hard to decide, but probably nudibranchs
  • Pokemon: Chimecho!
  • Game console: PS Vita

Fun facts about the webmaster

  • I'm left-handed
  • I think I have discalculia
  • I'm scared of hairdryers
stamp saying 'i support sonic the polish pickle' animated stamp of the dog from the dog of wisdom youtube video animated stamp of toothless the dragon (from the how to train your dragon books)
best viewed with eyes piracy now! I LIKE COMPUTER
button of Xenia, linux mascot, with the text: Linux the choice of a GNU generation