
Surgery, furry fun, and future projects

Hi everyone! So a month ago I went through another surgery, this time to fix that medical condition (a stoma, namely). I've got to say, compared to last time... I feel fantastic! My body pretty much feels the way it did before the whole ordeal, which I am incredibly happy...


narysuj se internet

The title can be roughly translated to "draw the internet yourself". This was supposed to be a submission for an exhibit of the same title, where the theme was to depict your online experience with traditional media. (I didn't submit on time ^^") I chose a pretty naive media...


contest entry

Entry for an art contest. the piece had to be inspired by Frida Kahlo's work. I really like how it came out :3



art trade with my buddy soup


moving to 11ty

[EDIT: 13.04.2024] I finally got off my butt and fixed the blog yippee!!!! RSS is broken as of now sadly though. Also need to work on the gallery and short posts pages. Jekyll broke on me, so I moved my site to 11ty. It wasn't as hard as I anticipated...


Life's been tough lately

It's been a while since my last blog post. There is a reason for this. A little less than 2 months ago I had my appendix removed. It was emergency surgery, I had some nasty stuff growing in my guts and had to have all of that removed. The doctors...


A month in France

My parents offered me to come along with them on a vacation in France. Being uncomfortable staying alone for a whole month, and considering I wouldn't be able to go out that much because I'd be staying with my dog, I came along with them. My family aren't the best...